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[현대경제학] A Study on the Global Economic Zone in North Korea

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"[현대경제학] A Study on the Global Economic Zone in North Korea"에 대한 내용입니다.


Ⅰ. Description of the global cit

Ⅱ. Positive related to the city
2-1. Deregulation and government investment
2-2. High investment value

Ⅲ. Negative related to the city
3-1. Political risk
3-2. Lack of Social Overhead Capital(SOC)

Ⅳ. Improvemen
4-1. Political stability
4-2. Improvement of the system
4-3. Opening Capital Market
4-4. Population growth

Ⅴ. Conclusio



Rason(Rajin-Seonbong) Economic Zone is located in North Hamgyong Province, North of North Korea. Rason Special Economic Zone was established in 1992 in accordance with the North Korean government's policy to open the market and receive foreign investment. Geographical location has been very important in major international cities since the past. Rason Special Economic Zone is a geographical hub because it nears the borders of China and Russia. And Rason Special Economic Zone is located in the East Sea, it is advantageous for entering the Pacific Ocean. ‘Seonbong Port’ and ‘Wunggi Port’ which are close to ‘Rason Port' could serve as a major base for maritime advancement that will support economic activities in the Rason Special Economic Zone.
The fact that it is close to the borders of the two countries, China and Russia, means that it is also a possible geographical point to enter Eurasia by way of railroads. There is already a railroad linking the Rason Special Economic Zone to Vladivostok in Russia. Vladivostok is the starting point for the Trans-Siberian Railway(TSR).

참고 자료

Statistics Korea. http://kostat.go.kr. (searched date: Apr. 22. 2020).
Korea Railroad Corporation. https://bit.ly/2xI9MBN. (searched date: Apr. 20. 2020).
Wikipidia. “Rason Special Economic Zone”. https://bit.ly/2VTrc6L. (searched date: Apr. 19. 2020).
The Korea Herald. Nov 11, 2019. “Jim Rogers still optimistic about investing in N. Korea”. http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20191111000481. (searched date: Apr. 22. 2020).
중앙일보. Nov 18, 2015. “北, 나선경제특구 종합계획 공표… 합법 재산 無제한 송금”, https://news.joins.com/
article/19092745. (searched date: Apr. 22. 2020).
한국경제, Oct 6, 2017. “유엔 안보리, 대북제재 결의안 2371호 채택…ICBM 강력대응”. https://www.hankyung.com/politics/article/2017080699657. (searched date: Apr. 22. 2020).
판매자 유형Bronze개인인증


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[현대경제학] A Study on the Global Economic Zone in North Korea
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